Boom, another book drops

Book drop day. Dropping into an online bookmonger near you, my novella-turned-ebook The Plug and Play Life premiers today. Timeslips, parallel universes, and the abusive psychology of endless searching—all in the format of an extra-longish short story, or a bite-sized novel. Either way, I hope you check it out:

Here we see the Kindle edition; Nook and others are also avail for your downloading pleasure. And you can’t say the price isn’t right, as I’m a believer in economy reading. But I can do even better, if only because you, my blog brethren, are my beta readers anyhow. So hit me up in the comments or drop me a line at and I’ll pull all the strings necessary to make the cost of your copy precisely zero dinero. Free the word, I always say.

Act fast, though. Limited time offer and all that. The word can’t stay free forever.

About editor, facilitator, decider

Doesn't know much about culture, but knows when it's going to hell in a handbasket.
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