Monthly Archives: May 2013

Freddie Stowers, U.S. Army

Quoting from this blog, Memorial Day 2011: “In the annals of the U.S. military there is no shortage of heroes. We can and should honor them all. But to humanize that process, to put a face on it, I suggest … Continue reading

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Get well, Tim Curry

Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery to Tim Curry, an immensely talented actor, and creator of some of the most memorable characters of recent memory. Curry, 67, suffered a stroke on Thursday at his home in L.A. Although … Continue reading

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Holder must go

I’m a longtime supporter of PrezObama, and no fan of FoxNews. But the DOJ is shredding the Constitution and I’m pissed. #HolderMustGo — Pat Worden (@WordsmithWorden) May 23, 2013

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RIP Ray Manzarek (Feb 12 1939 – May 20 2013)

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Petro Wodkins takes the Pis

Artist Petro Wodkins is persona non grata in Brussels this week, for what he did to Mannekin Pis. The peeing statue is a cultural icon for Belgians, and has been since the early 17th century. (It commemorates, by the way, … Continue reading

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Desperate for miracles in Cleveland

A weird disorientation, a juxtaposition, happens when your local news goes national. Most news, alas, is horrific; so when you’re sharing your local horrors with the national audience, the disorientation probably isn’t as noticable. You’re probably just lost in anguish. … Continue reading

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Bleeding Heart flower, deconstructed

Pardon the brevity. It’s a gorgeous day where I am, and I hope you’re enjoying yours as much as I am mine. Rather than wasting any of yours and my most precious commodity on lots and lots of blahblahblah, I … Continue reading

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