Monthly Archives: June 2013

Sigh. Truth.

Plodding and plotting #NotProlific – – but #AmWriting — Pat Worden (@WordsmithWorden) June 27, 2013

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RIP Richard Matheson (Feb 20, 1926 – June 23, 2013)

A sad farewell to one of the most prolific and influential writers of whom most people have scarcely heard (which is a terrible thing to say in an obiturary, but it happens to be true and in saying it, I … Continue reading

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Being (a hero) John Malkovich

Hats off to insanely  talented actor, director, fashion designer (!) and all-around good egg John Malkovich. His filmography alone was already enough to rank him high among The Deconstruction’s favorite peeps. Then he went and saved a life. It happened last Saturday, … Continue reading

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Getting to know Francis Bacon

Opportunities to learn pop up quite unexpectedly. You have to be ready to seize them, to revel in them, and yes, to begin learning from them. Their unpredictability demands that. Take for instance my new-found fascination with the life of … Continue reading

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I culture you: The Netflix Files

I am a recent convert to the Netflix experience. And as you probably know, there are no more fervent evangelists than the converts. Not to put too fine a point on it, but streaming entertainment content is what I’ve been … Continue reading

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RIP Jean Stapleton (Jan 19, 1923 – May 31, 2013)

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