Monthly Archives: July 2013

1982 to present: A long and twisted hip-hop journey

Jay-Z is rapping about his half-billion dollar art collection in his latest release. No, this isn’t your pops’s hip-hop. A timely reminder, then, of the very different world from whence this music came….

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I culture you: Brews gone bad

For most of human history, there has been beer. The brewing arts were conceived as a way of processing excess grain, of turning it into a longer-lived, refreshing consumable. In its earliest iterations, the introduction of yeast—thus the production of … Continue reading

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RIP Helen Thomas (Aug 4, 1920 – July 20, 2013)

She was a White House correspondent throughout the administrations of nine presidencies, and she counted herself friend to none of them. Opinionated, tenacious, journalistically incorruptible — Helen Thomas was the Grand Dame of the Washington press corps not by seniority … Continue reading

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Happy birthday, Rembrandt

Today’s Google Doodle offers a helpful reminder that on this day 407 years ago, there was born in the Netherlands a man who would modernize art, make it accessible, and who would create a body of work so real, so … Continue reading

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Books are evolving (and not the way you think)

Plenty has been written about the quantum evolution we’ve witnessed in the world of publishing over the last ten or fifteen years. It’s true that a slim majority of books now in print are actually just that–in print; in a … Continue reading

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IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776

The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers … Continue reading

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