Tag Archives: Hunter S. Thompson

Happy birthday HST – there is no gonzo without you (July 18, 1937 – Feb. 20, 2005)

It’s been 14 wretched years since the good Dr. Gonzo, man of letters, Hunter Stockton Thompson, left us on his own terms, just as he always said he would. If the world was mad in his time—and it was, and … Continue reading

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Doctor Gonzo is displeased

Hunter S. Thompson, man of letters and vices, checked out of this vale of weirdness and discontent on his own terms, just over a decade ago. But through the grace of serendipity or his own careful planning (either explanation is … Continue reading

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Saluting Doctor Gonzo

A belated birthday shoutout to the godfather of drug-addled journalism and hero to writers everywhere, Hunter Stockton Thomspon (July 18, 1937 – Februarly 20, 2005). There’s little the Deconstruction can say about Hunter that hasn’t already been covered by the … Continue reading

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