Patronage made easy

One of the best bumper stickers I’ve seen lately is also one of the most succinct: Buy Art.




And so you should. But does it cost Medici money to enter the rarefied world of art patronage? Oh no.

This beauty here, I call him Ziggy, is a quality print lovingly derived from the original, breath-taking brushwork of Northeast Ohio artist Kat LoGrande. I purchased it from her very hand a week ago, on a hot late-spring day, at a lively arts-and-culture event in Chagrin Falls. Kat and my wife were already acquainted; I had a chance to chat, get to know her, and (blessed day) buy this now-treasured addition to my modest yet growing collection.

Like all the best art, it both becomes integral to the room, while simultaneously transforming it. And like the most extraordinary art, it can somehow reveal itself, slowly—at its own pace—on a schedule all its own. By this I mean, I thought I was familiar enough with the subject of inspiration (Where are the spiders?), and I’ve surely looked at this work often enough, intently, since it came home with me…

Yet somehow, just a moment ago, I finally noticed his eyes.

About editor, facilitator, decider

Doesn't know much about culture, but knows when it's going to hell in a handbasket.
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