Search Results for: shakespeare

Kill your Buddha

I try not to too often use this soapbox as a dispensary for artistic advice (my good friend Robin K. has that all sewn up for writers over at More Ink and for visual artists at Ink and Alchemy). But … Continue reading

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Getting to know Francis Bacon

Opportunities to learn pop up quite unexpectedly. You have to be ready to seize them, to revel in them, and yes, to begin learning from them. Their unpredictability demands that. Take for instance my new-found fascination with the life of … Continue reading

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Les Mis will unman us all

I dreamed a dream where I could go to the movies without publicly embarrassing myself. I’m a highly empathetic person, you see. When I see pain, I feel pain. And although I’m thoroughly masculine—truly as masculine as masculine can be—my … Continue reading

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Richard III, uncovered

Shakespeare always walked a fine line with his treatment of monarchy. On the one hand, he knew that the lives of royals were deep and rich wells of entertainment; power, wealth, sex, and betrayal were as popular devices in fiction … Continue reading

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Digital (r)Evolution – a personal perspective

One thing about the craft of writing that has undeniably changed down through its history, is its actual methodology. It’s become way, way easier. And it would be way way easy to belabor that point with a thousand and one … Continue reading

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Shakespeareans Anonymous

The old, raging debate about the authorship of Shakespeare’s plays (and presumably, of his other work) has reignited, thanks to the new John Orloff/Roland Emmerich release, Anonymous. I haven’t seen the film, but I understand it posits that the Earl … Continue reading

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