Monthly Archives: December 2012

Richard III, uncovered

Shakespeare always walked a fine line with his treatment of monarchy. On the one hand, he knew that the lives of royals were deep and rich wells of entertainment; power, wealth, sex, and betrayal were as popular devices in fiction … Continue reading

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I culture you: A cigar for the end of the world

How will the end come? If the prophecies be true, will there be roars and tumults, crashing and burnings…? Or will we all just blink out? Call it 50/50 either way. Betting odds, enough, that I’m laying in one special … Continue reading

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Murder culture

Mass murder stains American culture and bleeds over the American psyche. Americans detest the fact that we breed this sort of thing, so horribly uniquely. We’re terrified it’s our national identity. So we react just as crazily in the aftermath, … Continue reading

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RIP to two elder statesmen of the Arts

We lost two of the greats yesterday. We might console ourselves knowing they both lived to ripe old ages, and if they didn’t give us their all, in terms of their art, then they gave us so much that it’s … Continue reading

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I culture you: Music to write by

That headline comes with a huge asterisk: it’s music I write by. That’s all I can speak to. When I undertook to culture you on art, I began by telling you that art is subjective, emphatic period. That goes double … Continue reading

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