Monthly Archives: July 2012

London shines

The world has been asking, these last four years: how can the London games ever hope to compete with the Beijing pageantry of 2008? That Olympic-sized question has been answered at last, by way of a stunning three-hour opening ceremony directed … Continue reading

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Saluting Doctor Gonzo

A belated birthday shoutout to the godfather of drug-addled journalism and hero to writers everywhere, Hunter Stockton Thomspon (July 18, 1937 – Februarly 20, 2005). There’s little the Deconstruction can say about Hunter that hasn’t already been covered by the … Continue reading

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Flash mobs: the birth of an electronic tribe

Could it be that YouTube, and all it stands for, is what Andy Warhol had in mind when he promised us all 15 minutes of future fame? Without a doubt, internet video holds out a tantalizing potential for stardom; a … Continue reading

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If there’s an apocalypse, don’t blame the Mayans

One of the risks we run when we dabble in (or fully appropriate) the cultures of others, is a complete freaking misunderstanding. That’s what we have here, with the supposition that the world is going to end this December, on … Continue reading

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Deconstructing Independence Day

What, exactly, does this holiday mean? Is it “sacred,” as so many patriots claim? Is it even possible, or proper, for a secular celebration of a long-ago separatist war to be called “sacred”? Certainly, the Fourth of July is understood … Continue reading

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RIP Andy Griffith (June 1 1926 – July 3 2012)

Fondest possible farewell to Andrew Samuel Griffith, favorite North Carolina son and favorite fictional North Carolina sheriff. Stand-up comic, gospel singer, political activist. Not to mention actor, whose roles defined American television for decades. But he wasn’t just Sheriff Taylor … Continue reading

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Update: Cthulhu still sleeps (for now)

It’s not a hard and fast rule, here at the Deconstruction; more of a rule of thumb. It goes like this: every six months or so, if you can’t think of anything else to write about, write about Cthulhu. Cthulhu … Continue reading

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