Tag Archives: writing

H.P. Lovecraft’s not-so-private horror

Howard Phillips Lovecraft would have turned 128 this week. As it was, he died in 1937, aged just 46, but if he’d enjoyed such startling longevity we likely wouldn’t be discussing today what infernal bargain was keeping him alive, but … Continue reading

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No no don’t worry. I’m not talking about blocking users here (least of all you; you’re my favorite). No, I’m using the word in a much older context, referring to a dread phenomenon bitched about by some writers, and existentially … Continue reading

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Friday freebie – a novella just for you

A question I’m frequently asked, not always in the most patient of tones, is what becomes of the central characters, Sara and John, from my first novel, Mind.Net. Well…I still can’t completely answer that, as the sequel to that book … Continue reading

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Doctor Gonzo is displeased

Hunter S. Thompson, man of letters and vices, checked out of this vale of weirdness and discontent on his own terms, just over a decade ago. But through the grace of serendipity or his own careful planning (either explanation is … Continue reading

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An author’s self-defense, or social-media suicide?

* The online indie-author milieu lit up this weekend as a one-star Goodreads review turned into viral humiliation for self-published author Dylan Saccoccio. A less charitable observer might say Saccoccio’s imploded reputation is entirely self-inflicted. A more constructive one might … Continue reading

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What if the sun takes it all away?

It seems we really did dodge an apocalypse, of sorts, back in 2012. In one of those sleeper stories, known but to a few learned insiders (and they might as well keep such things to themselves since no one believes … Continue reading

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Back that shniz up

Take it as a warning. Learn by my woeful example. There are a thousand stupid tech-based ways you can lose hours or worse of work, whether through your own lapses or through the randomness of electron waywardness. In my case—yes … Continue reading

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Kill your Buddha

I try not to too often use this soapbox as a dispensary for artistic advice (my good friend Robin K. has that all sewn up for writers over at More Ink and for visual artists at Ink and Alchemy). But … Continue reading

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Digital (r)Evolution – a personal perspective

One thing about the craft of writing that has undeniably changed down through its history, is its actual methodology. It’s become way, way easier. And it would be way way easy to belabor that point with a thousand and one … Continue reading

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